Argentarius Dei in Beneficient Finance formed by people who want to do right and good.

More mature people who have done well financially and want to give something back to this world and use their capital, influence, knowledge and expertise to make this world a better and more prosporous place. 

Goals of Argentarius Dei 

1. To create a community

We have a community in mind that understands and is experienced in (high) finance and understands that  the history of money is less important than what you do with money. People who want to use their money to support their basic needs but at same time want to contribute to beneficient finance. Beneficient for the planet and for all creatures that live on our small planet. Contribute to sustainable stewardship, but in a financially responsible way. 

People who do not only talk, but are able to act in and outside the community.

2. To use and generate funds for long-term investments in projects/assets which are uplifting for mankind

* The goal is to become owner (long-term) of the assets with no or minimal loans from banks or third-parties. And assets should be financially viable;

* protection of funds;

* to create multi-generational capital, as such that expansion of the good works is possible.

3. What are we looking for.

We are interested to come into contact with (former) experienced private/investment bankers and high-net-worth people, and who are willing to contribute to our goals (through their network, influence, access to funds). 

And we would like to do this is in comfortable, agreeable and attractive setting.  And a bit away from panting day-to-day business. 

Method of Argentarius Dei in Beneficient Finance

* Form a DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization);

* Interested parties can become member of DAO and through that become members of our community;

* The members of the DAO are considered free and sovereign people;

* The members of the DAO have voting rights to enter into business/project/venture, but there will be now transfer of ownership of funds. The invested amount will directly reflect partial ownership in a project/venture, and the partial ownership will be in the name of the member of the DAO;

* The DAO just charges a membership fee and a fee for additional services for a project or venture, if a member is interested to invest in such a project/venture and additional services are required; 

* Participants will receive their return (on investment) directly out of the project/venture company (could be dividend and/or profit-sharing agreement);

* Invest conservatively, preferably no bank-loans from outside banks and no leverage (and no retail-actvities);

*Exit-possibilities. The goal is to do longterm investments, however there can always be reasons to free up the investment funds and make then liquid again. Participants will need to allow for a reaonable time to desinvest.


HONESTY (also when the message is adverse)







We support a moderate compliance. Not the extremist compliance behaviour of the Western world big banks with AI and algolrytm driven control mechanisms, without any nuance to the specifics of international business transactions. The people in the compliance departments do not think for themselves anymore but just follow pre-programmed computer protocols, and think that is the only truth.

We believe people do business with people, and of course a certain amount of compliance is necessary, but there has to be balance and common sense.