Additional services

The Argentarius Dei community will be a interpersonal friend-like community, focussed on goal of doing the right thing. And as such, the members of the community tend to look after each other in case of unforeseen change in a personal life or otherwise considered unfair adversity.

Anyone can get into a difficult siuation not of his own doing, e.g. political winds may change direction, new regulations may hamper ones ability to act, financial institutions/banks may change their policy and break earlier arrangements and/or agreements, etc.  Looking back in history, one can say there been many of these moments.

Argentarius Dei community may provide additional services for its member (maybe not directly at the start, but at least when it is on sound footing).

1.  Depending on the country choice of statory residence, Argentarius Dei can as a service provide living quarters and residence status in a residence country of a asset company or of the top trust or the private bank (if acquired), subject to the immigration laws of the country of choice.

This service will be rendered against actual costs, for it is up participant what he wants to spend on his living quarters.

2.  For meetings considering its participation, the community will provide the service that a participant can the picked-up by a private jet from all mayor airports in the world if a participant so desires. The community will charge the actual costs for this service (either upfront or after the service).